HJSW23 UKブライドルショートウォレット




  • 裾上げ後の返品またはサイズの交換は承りかねます。
  • 裾上げの日数としてご注文後最大7日間程お時間を頂く場合がございます。
  • 生デニムの裾上げは、洗い後の縮み寸法を考慮したうえで行います。その場合、洗い後の寸法をご記載くださいませ。



The unique appearance of the raised white powdery bloom on the surface of the leather will become more familiar as it is used more and more, and it will become shinier and shinier, showing an excellent change in texture over time.

The bridle leather is characterized by the white wax floating on the surface, but the more it is used, the more it permeates into the leather and
 changes its unique color and luster. The whiteness may be noticeable when you pick it up for the first time or leave it for a long time, but there is no problem if you use it as it is.
